It has been an incredibly long time since I've shared any images here. The end of summer through the holidays have been very busy around here. I am more active and share more often on my Facebook page, please be sure to find me there. I do also use twitter, see the icon on the side panel to follow me.
Instead of a post playing catch up through the past few months, I'm going to skip ahead to recent photos of southern Wisconsin's first epic snowfall of the season. Our little town received around 14 inches of snow. It was enough to keep me home and not wandering around looking for images. I had an itchy shutter finger, and had to get snow photos, so I went through my backyard.
If you are new to my work, I do have a few images for sale on Imagekind and also on Society6. I'm not sure I want to continue both shops. I've been on Imagekind longer and have more images there, including cocktail photographs. I like Society6 for the wide range of products they will print on... not only prints and canvases for wall hangings, but they also print laptop and iPhone skins, iPhone cases, canvas bags and shirts. Browse through both, I'd like to hear what you think of either shop. If there is an image you would like to have printed, drop me note, I can upload it to either site you are interested in using.
Have a Happy, Healthy, and Creative New Year!